小西寛子 最新シングル『She may be here』 iTunes Store 他 各音楽配信サービスにて3月11日発売!
小西寛子が2011年3月11日、東日本大震災の最中に療養先で経験した想いを、時を超えて綴った楽曲『She may be here』が、ついにリリースされます。
幸せな恋や人生を夢見て、誕生日に勇気を出して自分のためのケーキを買いに海沿いのケーキ屋へ向かう。 しかし、その途中で彼女を襲ったのは、大地の揺れと運命の変化。
『She may be here』、この歌が伝える、希望と記憶
人間が決して忘れてはいけない記憶と歴史 。
タイトル: She may be here DSQI-25001 ・アーティスト: 小西寛子 ・作詞作曲演奏: 小西寛子 / LITTLE CURE ・レーベル: Wolfgang Label ・ 配信開始日: 2025年3月11日 ・配信プラットフォーム: iTunes Store / Apple Music / Amazon Music / 他 各音楽配信サービス

311, A melody etched with the memories of that day.
Hiroko Konishi Latest Single 🎵 “She may be here” 🎵
Available on iTunes Store and all major streaming platforms from March 11th!
Hiroko Konishi’s long awaited song, “She may be here,” is finally being released.
This piece transcends time, capturing her emotions and experiences from March 11, 2011(311), when she was at her summer house during the Great East Japan Earthquake.
At the heart of this song is a young girl in a wheelchair. Dreaming of love and a beautiful life, she gathers the courage to buy a birthday cake for herself and heads to a seaside bakery.
However, on her way, she is met with the tremors of the earth and a sudden turn of fate. The music paints the moment her world changed and the journey that followed. With the expressive depth of a voice actress and performer, Konishi brings this poignant story to life through song.
“She may be here” – A song of hope and remembrance ✨
The struggles of living independently
The courage to believe in oneself
The memories and history that humanity must never forget
This heartfelt piece is woven with the warm, analog sound of 70s folk music, bringing a timeless and emotional resonance to the digital age. Featuring live instrumentation and live vocals, this song embodies the raw, human essence of music.
Track Information Title: She may be here DSQI-25001 Artist: Hiroko Konishi Lyrics & Music: Hiroko Konishi / LITTLE CURE Label: Wolfgang Label Release Date: March 11, 2025 Available on: iTunes Store / Apple Music / Amazon Music / and all major streaming platforms
🔗 More info: https://hirokokonishi.com
Next: Analog Album 1975 Kaze no Kisetsu (She may be here)
公式プロフィール: [hirokokonishi.com](https://hirokokonishi.com/profile)
X(旧Twitter): [@HirokoKonishi](https://x.com/HirokoKonishi)